I went to the most amazing class last night on bread making. These 2 ladies who are a mother-daughter team teach it. They are called Pantry Secrets. It is their business, but they also come to churches & teach classes, which is where I saw it. They have a video out teaching you all the different techniques & recipes they use. The idea is that they have one bread recipe that they use to turn into 50 different things. The things they made were AMAZINGLY good. My mom & I went together & we are going to start experimenting right away. They use this redipe to make regular bread loafs, hamburger buns, dinner rolls, french bread, focaccia bread, dessert breads, braided loaves, breadsticks, pizza crust, soup bread bowls, cinnamon rolls, calzones, Meal braids (chicken & broccoli, taco fillings, chicken & alfredo, ham & cheese) Navajo scones, etc It's pretty much amazing. So here is the basic recipe:

Homemade Bread Recipe
10 1/2 c. bread flour (NOT all purpose)*
1/2 c. sugar
1 Tbsp salt
3 rounded Tbsp saf instant yeast
3 Tbsp liquid lecithin (found at health food stores)
4 c. HOT water (extra water added by Tablespoons while mixing)
*Mix dry ingredients. Add lecithin & water. Don't measure the lecithin since it is really sticky. Just pour approximate quarter size drops- it doesn't need to be exact. Mix for 1 minute and check the consistency. It should be sticky. If too dry, add a little more water. When mixing it should pull away from the edges of the bowl, but still stick to mixers & bottom of bowl. (It needs to be wetter & stickier than you would expect.) Mix for 5 minutes. Do not add water or flour to the dough after it has finished mixing. Spray the counter with cooking spray. Shape loaves as desired and cover with a dish towel. Let rise 25 minutes. Bake @ 350 for 25 minutes (for regular loaves) This recipe makes 4 loaves of bread. Important*** After bread is done baking, remove to cooling racks immediately or it will get wet & soggy on the bottom. This holds true for any type of bread made with this recipe, except the pizza.
*The bread dough can be stored for up to 2 days in the fridge. She said that when she makes a batch she will plan all of her meals around it. For instance- she will make a meal loaf for dinner, then she will make focaccia bread for sandwiches for her husband or kids, pizza crust for the next nights dinner, & hamburger buns ofr sloppy joes. Then she doesn't have to buy all of those breads & saves herself the money & time going to store for meals. All of the bread ingredients can be stored long-term in her pantry & she will always have them on hand.
*For Whole wheat bread, add the smae amount of wheat flour as required above, but add one cup of applesauce as part of the hot water. Mix for 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes. (or you can do half bread & half wheat or any other combination of flours desired and the recipe still works)
The things they made for us to sample were:
- Pizza- they used one loaf and rolled it out. They baked on a pizza stone. They also made it a cheese stuffed crust-made with string chees cut in half lengthwise. Then they brushed the crust with this butter seasoning mix after cooking(melted butter, garlic powder, season salt, Italian seasoning, and parmesan cheese) It was divine.
- Cream Cheese Braid- They spread one loaf out in a cookie sheet. Then divide it into 3rds the long way & cut one inch wide strips in 4" to make ths strips for braiding it. They mixed: 4 oz cream cheese, 1/2 c. powdered sugar, & 1 tsp vanilla and spread it down the center, then put a little raspberry jam down the middle, too (or you could use any fruit you wanted). Then fold the strips in & press down on sides. Be sure to secure ends & press together so the filling doesn't leak. Bake about 18-20 min. Frost with: 2 c. powd. sugar, 1/4 c. soft butter, 1/2 tsp vanilla 2 Tb water (mix for icing)
- Cinnamon twists- roll out one loaf of bread. Spread with melted butter, except for the edges. Sprinkle liberally with brown sugar & cinnamon. Fold the dough in half. Cut into thin strips & twist them. Lay on cookie sheet & bake. Ice with the same frosting as above.
- Cut & twisted breadsticks- Make seasoned butter like mentioned above for pizza crust. USe one loaf of bread & roll out. Cut into strips & twist them. Put on cookie sheet. Spread with seasoned butter & bake about 5 minutes.