Beef- leftover steak or any cut you have, cut in pieces
1 big carton sour cream (I use lite or fat free)
3 beef bouillon cubes
1 Tb Worcestershire sauce
1 onion, diced
1 small pkg sliced mushrooms (I cook them on the side for the non-mushroom lovers)
Garlic Powder
Salt & Pepper
I added some fresh oregano last time & it gave it a GREAT flavor.
Cook meat, mushrooms,& onions together until done. Add remaining ingredients, & season to taste. Allow to simmer for a little while to dissolve bouillon cubes & to blend flavors. You may want to thicken it with a little bit of flour if it is really runny. Serve over pasta. (My favorite pasta these days is the Barilla Plus. It is multi-grain and it's really high in protein. It is SO good. It tastes closer to regular pasta than any other whole-grain pasta I have tried.) Sorry this is one of those vague family recipes that doesn't really have an exact recipe.