Have you ever replaced pasta with spaghetti squash? I have heard about this tip for a while & finally tried it. I LOVED it. I actually did half pasta, half squash & it was so good. I even mixed some into my kids spaghetti & they didn't even notice. I always cook with whole grain pasta, so it's healthy, but I tend to over-eat. This is a good way for me to cut down my portion size & still feel like I have a plate full of noodles. If you are trying to cut back on calories or on carbs, this is a great substitute. 

To cook the squash, I cut mine in half, removed seeds, & put it into a microwave safe dish. I microwaved it for about 10 minutes total. I only made half of it, the other half is in my fridge to be used again. I checked it part-way through. You can also do the same & roast it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 1 hour. If you have never had spaghetti squash, it's a fun new veggie you should try. Once it is cooked, you just take a fork to it & it shreds easily into noodle shaped pieces. Oh & it's so tasty & healthy. Just serve it like you would pasta. I have even seen it baked with sauce & cheese over the top in a casserole. Yum, I want to try that sometime.
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