Around here we love to do a cheese platter as an appetizer. We regularly have large crowds of people eating at our house. We do a big family dinner every other week. My family loves to try new & exotic cheeses. My Dad is the resident cheese expert, but I have really learned a lot from him over the past few years. I have been very brave & tried all kinds of weird & stinky cheeses. Here are some that we have tried:
Gouda (a favorite of most of the family)
Various Blue cheeses
Welsch Tinturn
Goat cheese
In the process I have learned that there are a few I cannot live without.
The most recent find is this little cheese below. It's a French cheese called Boursin. It's a soft cheese that I love best spread on a slice of baguette. Oh! It makes my mouth water as I think of it. It is one of the most heavenly things. The best deal around on it is at Costco. 

Gouda is a family favorite too. Larry served his mission in Belgium where they have really, really good Gouda.