So I have this little bug. It's making me not too interested in cooking. I really haven't had much inspiration for the past few months. What kind of bug lasts a few months, you ask? It's the pregnancy bug. Food is an issue for a few months, hence the lack of posting. I am through the yucky time & hopefully will feel a little more inspired in the food category.

I made up this delicious little breakfast this morning & just had to share. My Mom has a recipe for creme brule' french toast which has to soak overnight & takes all too long. I was cooking for 1 (well 1 &1/2) and wanted it NOW. You know how that goes. So I looked at some of the ingredients and came up with this. Not at all the same as the recipe, but it was incredible! Pretty much heaven on a plate. I think I was moaning through my breakfast.

4-5 slices thick bread- I used a hearty wheat, cause that's what I like best.
2 eggs
1/4 c. cream or half & half
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp corn syrup
1/4 c. brown sugar
Mix eggs, cream, & vanilla. Soak the bread in the egg mixture.
In a large frying pan melt butter, with brown sugar and corn syrup and mix well. Once it is melted & combined, put the soaked bread into the pan at about medium heat. Flip once or twice to coat the bread in the caramel sauce. Cook until lightly browned on both sides.
Serve with fresh berries on top. It doesn't even need syrup- although I am sure a little extra of the caramel sauce would be divine drizzled over the top.