...of recipes. I can't get enough of them. I collect them & hang on to them in piles that grow out of control. I clip them from magazines, I print them from various websites, I am always searching for new ones. Yet, I haven't even tried a third of the ones I have. Why do I do this? Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me? Oh, and did I mention that my favorite channel is the Food Network? Yeah, I am a little obsessed. Yesterday, I got out the big folder holding my pile & I sorted, clipped & organized (while watching Chopped Champions of course). I got rid of a bunch that are just not realistic & I will most likely NEVER make. I whittled the pile down significantly. But, I still have work to do- in the kitchen now.
So, I am challenging myself over the next few months. Now that I am over the pregnancy/newborn baby phase, I actually feel like being in the kitchen again. I am challenging myself to try at least one new recipe a week & clean out my piles of hoarded recipes. It's time. If I don't start soon, I will never get through the pile! I am going to document it here for you. I will let you know how things go with my recipes that I try. I'll let you know whether the recipe needs to be trashed, modified, or if it's absolutely amazing. You'll hear about those amazing ones for sure.

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Can't wait to see what we both come up with...
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